Can you help me get re-elected as Member of Parliament for Bath?

Thank you for visiting my donation page.

If you would like to donate, please use the details below.

  • Co-operative Bank
  • Wera Hobhouse
  • Sort code: 08-93-00
  • Account number: 87263132

Political donations are regulated by the Political Parties Elections and Referendums Act 2000. Donations of over £500 are only accepted if they are from permissible donors.

These are: individuals on a UK electoral register, UK Trade Unions, companies incorporated within the EU and registered and trading in the UK, Limited Liability Partnerships, UK unincorporated associations and UK building or friendly societies.

I will notify the House of Commons Registrar of donations of more than £1,500. This applies to single donations of more than £1,500 or cumulative smaller donations which exceed £1,500. The name of the donor and the amount of the donation will be published in the register.

With a  General Election set to occur in 2024, there has never been a better time to support the Liberal Democrats.

Over the past five years, the Conservatives have brought the NHS, the economy and the transport sector to their knees.

This government are failing to lead on our response to the climate crisis and the disaster of Brexit. We need a change of government.

If you would like to help me continue to be Bath’s voice in parliament and remove the Conservatives from office, you can now donate to my campaign.

Your donation will make a big difference to what we can achieve locally and nationally.

Thank you,